Tuesday, February 12, 2008

CNY 11 - Green + Red = CNY

We call these the money plant. I remember the first time I saw them, I thought the leaves were made from plastic. My then super-plant-friendly colleague said I hurt the plant's feelings by saying that. :P
I now keep one of them on my balcony. It is recommended to leave it indoors, it will still grow beautifully with little sunlight. I guess it's the same with money, better dun leave it out in the open...hahah..hence the name, I guess.
Do you have any special plants at home?
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Petrea Burchard said...

Hi Murphy_jay,
I like all the bright colors here. I've heard of money plants. Maybe I should get one!

We have "kam quats" in southern California, but they call them kumquats here. Same thing, though. Delicious.

alice said...

I see red ribbons, all the red things around these plants are decorations? They seems to be very luxuriant.
Here, you sure to keep them inside, otherwise they will be frozen in winter!
Yes, I have a special plant at home: a "pied d'éléphant" (=elephant's foot), so huge that it reachs the ceiling! I take care of it for 20 years...

marley said...

The money plant is meant to bring you great fortune and its really easy to grow, just break a bit off and stick it in water then when the roots have got going pot it up in soil!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

What we call money plant here is a completely different plant, but I think I like your version more.

Your colleague should meet one of my friends who firmly believes plants can tell what mood we are in.

Re: the lions, I know the zoo has a breeding program for some exotic species, but I don't know if the lions I photographed were born here.